4 years ago
Theme Engine - Novum theme is available for customization 🎨
What's new?
All PRO ReCharge merchants using the Theme Engine can now select the brand new Novum theme from the "Themes to use" list, and fully customize Novum to better suit the store's branding, needs, and desired features.
What is Novum?
Novum is the first theme to be released for the Customer Portal. It was designed to take your Customer Portal to the next level with the following features:
- Improved design and user experience (UX)
- Mobile-first
- Order now
- One-time product purchases
- Cross-sell opportunities
- Enhanced retention strategies
What are the benefits of Novum on Theme Engine?
You have full control over the Novum theme files which allow you to modify every line of code. You also have the option to build more complex customizations that match your business needs and customer experience.
Where can I learn more?
For more information about ReCharge's Theme Engine, please see our Theme Engine support documentation.