2 years ago
Search and filter on Upcoming Orders and Charge Errors tabs
Within the Orders section, we've updated the Upcoming orders tab and the Charge Errors tab to include some handy new search and filter options. This update makes it easier than ever for you to find the charge that you're looking for based on the data that you have (e.g. customer email, Recharge charge ID), or to narrow your view down to only a subset of records (e.g. all charge errors with a "first tried" date within the last 7 days).
Upcoming Orders
Search by: Customer email, Recharge charge ID, Recharge customer ID
Search by: Customer email, Recharge charge ID, Recharge customer ID
Filter by: Order date
Charge Errors
Search by: Customer email, Recharge charge ID, Recharge customer ID
Search by: Customer email, Recharge charge ID, Recharge customer ID
Filter by: Charge error type (existing filter, now moved into Filter menu for consistency), First try date